Like my first cat, my second one also had to undergo a cryptorchid neuter as one of his testicles had not descended correctly. (Quite the unlucky pair they are.) Dr. Bekhet’s skilled and compassionate care significantly alleviated my worries as a pet parent. His willingness to share examples of his prior surgeries provided a reassurance I deeply appreciated. Comparing this experience with the cryptorchid neuter performed on my first cat at a different clinic, I must say the quality of care at Francis Animal Clinic was significantly superior. I observed this superiority through several key aspects: 1- They offered a complimentary initial check-up and a follow-up appointment two weeks post-operation. This wasn’t a service provided for my first cat at the other clinic. 2- They prescribed an antibiotic regimen to mitigate infection risks. I was given a 15-day supply intended for a 10-day course, leaving a surplus in case of any issues with administration. My first cat did not receive take-home antibiotics from the previous clinic. 3- Dr. Bekhet conducted a thorough post-operative observation once my cat woke up from anesthesia. This ensured everything was in order before he was cleared to leave. This differed significantly from my previous experience, where no post-op observation was done. Furthermore, the clinic was accommodating enough to let me leave and return, acknowledging that the surgery and post-op observation could take considerable time. 4- Interestingly, they offered to keep the testicles, should the pet owner wish to see or keep them. 5- A thoughtful touch was the provision of a photo update post-operation. An additional and delightful surprise was the cost of services. It was slightly less than what I had paid for my first cat’s surgery at the other clinic. It’s evident to me that Dr. Bekhet and his team at Francis Animal Clinic are committed to providing the highest level of care to our beloved furry friends.

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